General Information
Learning the laws regulating the use of firearms is a must for responsible ownership. Local regulations differ and laws vary from state to state. Residents applying for a CCW license must fully understand all requirements and laws related to carrying a concealed weapon in California. Please contact your legal counsel if you have any questions or need further guidance.
In California, the Sheriffs/Police Chiefs and their staff are required to follow strict state and local guidelines when performing the necessary background checks for issuing Concealed Carry Weapon licenses. Due to the detailed nature involved with conducting these background checks, appointment times and processing times can take multiple weeks or months.
- Please contact the San Francisco Police Department CCW Unit directly if your CCW license has been lost or stolen
- The licensee MUST file a police report in the jurisdiction where the CCW license was lost or stolen
- The face page of the police report which identifies the licensee’s name, address, complaint, and report date MUST be provided
- Change of restrictions and/or conditions
- Change address, name, or other personal information currently listed on the license
- If the amendments are approved, the CCW licensee will receive a new license reflecting the update(s)
- Amending a CCW license has no relevance regarding the expiration date of the original CCW license
- CCW licensees shall notify the San Francisco Police Department within ten (10) days of any change of residence
NOTICE FOR RENEWAL: If the applicant is RENEWING a Concealed Carry Weapon license, they may not apply until 90 days before the expiration date listed on their current Concealed Carry Weapon license. These will be processed in the order they were submitted. You may track the progress/status of your order using the Order Tracker.
Failure to upload all required documents during your submission will result in delays in the processing of your application.NOTICE TO ALL APPLICANTS:
Please have all of your documents ready to be uploaded/attached to your application. The documents must be in PDF, PNG, or JPG format and be less than 5 MB in size. You must scan each document individually and properly label it to submit your application for processing.
Please have the following documents ready to upload and attach to your application.
- MUST upload a copy of the front and back of your valid California driver’s license, or state issued ID, which has your current address in the City and County of San Francisco. Your state issued ID must have your current residential address; PO Boxes are not acceptable.
- MUST upload two (2) proofs of residency:
- Gas, Water, Electricity, Home Phone, Garbage bill, Cellular Phone, Cable/Internet Bills
- Credit Card and/or Bank Statement (2 consecutive months’ worth of statements)
- Lease/Rental Agreement or a notarized letter from homeowner stating under penalty of perjury, that CCW applicant resides at San Francisco residential address
- Voter Notification Card
- Filing of homeowner’s property tax exemption
Please note: statements or bills MUST be dated within the last 90 days; we DO NOT accept past-due statements or bills; if documents are in your spouse’s name, please provide a copy of your marriage certificate; mortgage statements are not acceptable.
- Applicants who have been discharged or retired from U.S. Military Service MUST upload their Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD214).
Processing Fees:
Type of License |
Standard 2 Year |
Judicial 3 Year |
Reserve/Custodial 4 Year |
Initial Fee Paid on submission of the application |
$144.00 | $166.00 | $188.00 |
Renewal Fee (subject to change) | $52.00 | $74.00 | $96.00 |
Duplicate / Modification Fee (subject to change) | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 |
Additional Fees will be required for:
- Firearms Training (Safety Class & Range Qualification) -- Vendor fees vary;
- Psych Evaluation -- Provider fees vary;
- A nominal credit card transaction fee will be charged and viewable prior to transaction completion.
Click the appropriate button on the left of the screen to proceed with an application for a Concealed Carry Weapon license.
Concealed Carry Weapon License Requirements: must meet ALL requirements
- Background checks will be completed to ensure applicants have an AFS record which associates them to the firearm(s) they are requesting to list on their CCW license.
- An Automated Firearms System (AFS) Record is populated when purchasing or having a firearm transferred through a Federal Firearms Licensed Dealer (i.e. the firearm is "registered" to an individual).
- Firearms are only associated to one individual.
- Licensees are only allowed 3 weapons on the CCW license, and they must be listed accurately on the application.
- Handguns, magazines, and ammunition must comply with all local, state, and federal laws.
- Registered assault weapons as defined in the California Penal Code Sections 30510 and 30515 are not permitted and will not be allowed on your CCW license.
- Any handgun or pistol that has a capacity to accept a magazine outside of the pistol grip is not permitted to be placed on your CCW license.
- Any modifications to any of your handguns you wish to be on your CCW license MUST be California-compliant.
CCW Application Process: The application process is a long, tedious, and meticulous process that starts, but does not end, with the in-person interview. There are corresponding costs per step as the application moves forward. Applicants will move forward ONLY upon notification by the SFPD CCW Unit. There is no necessity for proactivity, as the furtherance in the process depends on the results of each step one will have to take along the way. The other steps, aside from extensive background investigation, are live scan, psychological evaluation, firearms training (safety course & range qualification) - to be taken from our approved resources. Again, please do not take any action until notification from the San Francisco Police Departmenet.
Applications are processed in the order they are received. The application process will consist of the following steps:
Phase 1
- Completion of online CCW Application with uploaded valid ID (front & back) and Two (2) Proofs of Residency
- Payment of Applicable Fees
- Verification of Age Requirement (21+) is determined through the applicant’s California issued Driver’s License or California Identification Card. No other form or type of identification will be accepted.
- Verification of Residency Requirement within the boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco:
- Applicants MUST reside within the boundaries of the City and County of San Francisco, California.
- MUST upload two (2) proofs of residency:
- Gas, Water, Electricity, Home Phone, Garbage bill, Cellular Phone, Cable/Internet Bills
- Credit Card and/or Bank Statement (2 consecutive months’ worth of statements)
- Lease/Rental Agreement or a notarized letter from homeowner stating under penalty of perjury, that CCW applicant resides at San Francisco residential address
- Voter Notification Card
- Filing of homeowner’s property tax exemption
- Please note: statements or bills MUST be dated within the last 90 days; we DO NOT accept past-due statements or bills; if documents are in your spouse’s name, please provide a copy of your marriage certificate; mortgage statements are not acceptable.
- Three Reference Checks: Initial/new applicants are required to list three (3) references, noting the following:
- One (1) of the three (3) references MUST be a person as described in Pen. Code § 273.5(b) (e.g., current of former spouse, current or former cohabitant, fiancée, someone with whom you have or previously had an engagement or dating relationship, mother or father of your child).
- If applicable, at least one (1) of the three (3) references MUST be your current cohabitant.
- Interview of the CCW License Applicant
- All information received is reviewed with the applicant via an in-person interview.
- Restrictions are discussed with the applicant should a CCW license be approved.
- Fingerprinting/Live Scan:
- Initial/new applicants MUST be Live Scan fingerprinted immediately after their in-person interview.
- Applicants MUST bring their photo identification with them to be fingerprinted.
- Background Checks will be conducted through the Department of Justice to assure the applicant is not a disqualified person nor has a history which prohibits them by state or federal law from possessing, receiving, owning, or purchasing a firearm (Pen. Code § 26202 & DOJ BOF 8018 Rev. 01/2024).
- Review of Publicly Available Information includes publicly facing/open source intelligence (OSINT) information and social media platforms.
- Military Status:
- Applicants who have been discharged or retired from U.S. Military Service MUST upload their Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD214).
- Pursuant to DOJ Firearms Prohibiting Categories, any person who has been discharged from the military under dishonorable conditions is prohibited from owning and/or possessing firearms under California or Federal law [18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(6)].
- Initial Determination:
- All applicants are notified via email once the initial determination is made whether they are identified as a disqualified or prohibited person.
- If determined to be a disqualified or prohibited person, information regarding an appeal process will be provided. Included in this notification is the right to a court hearing.
Applicants who successfully complete Phase 1 will move on to Phase 2
- Successful Completion of the Psychological Evaluation:
- San Francisco Police Department will email instructions for the psychological evaluation to all initial/new applicants. The applicant will schedule the appointment and make payment directly with the authorized psychological services agency for the cost of the assessment. DO NOT SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT UNTIL DIRECTED TO DO SO.
- Upon completion of the psychological evaluation, the authorized psychological services agency will notify the San Francisco Police Department whether the applicant passed or failed the assessment.
- Successful Completion of the Firearms Training (Safety Course & Range Qualification): To assure applicants are receiving training regarding best practices and in compliance with mandates and/or laws, CCW license qualification certificates dated prior to receiving notification regarding initial determination pursuant to Pen. Code § 26202 will not be accepted. DO NOT TAKE THE TRAINING UNTIL INSTRUCTED BY THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICE DEPARTMENT TO DO SO.
- All CCW license applicants shall complete training in compliance with the State of California PENAL CODE Section 26165. The course shall be no less than 16 hours in length; the course shall include instruction on firearm safety, firearm handling, shooting technique, safe storage, legal methods to transport firearms and securing firearms in vehicles, laws governing where permitholders may carry firearms, laws regarding the permissible use of a firearm, and laws regarding the permissible use of lethal force in self-defense; the course shall include a component, no less than one hour in length, on mental health and mental health resources; the course shall require students to pass a written examination to demonstrate their understanding of the covered topics; and the course shall include live-fire shooting exercises on a firing range and shall include a demonstration by the applicant of safe handling of, and shooting proficiency with, each firearm that the applicant is applying to be licensed to carry.
- For those applicants who successfully pass the psychological examination, an email will be sent advising them to attend the mandated 16-hour training course.
- A list of San Francisco PD approved vendors and the Training Standards will be provided at that time.
- The vendors will complete the CCW qualification for each firearm desired to be listed on the CCW license.
- Renewal applicants will also be required to attend an 8-hour CCW training course and qualification during each renewal period.
- The applicant will pay the vendors fees directly to the authorized vendor.
- The applicant will upload the completed and signed CCW Firearms Proficiency Form via the online Order Tracker.
Approval or Denial of CCW license
- All applicants are notified via email once the Phase 2 determination is made.
- Approved Applicants will receive an email with instructions regarding the pick-up of their CCW license.
- Denied Applicants will receive an email with information regarding an appeal process and the rights to a court hearing.
California Penal Code sections 26155 provides that the chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city or city and county, upon proof that the applicant meets the statutory qualifications, shall issue or renew a license to carry a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person (CCW license).
Who Shall be Issued a License
The licensing authority specified in Penal Code section 26155 (the chief of a municipal police department) shall issue a license to persons who (1) are not a disqualified person to receive such a license, as determined in accordance with the standards set forth in Penal Code section 26202; (2) are at least 21 years of age; (3) are residents of the county or a city within the county of the licensing authority; (4) have completed the required course of training, as described in Penal Code section 26165; and (5) are the recorded owner, with the Department of Justice, of the pistol, revolver, or other firearm for which the license will be issued. Every applicant for an initial CCW license will be fingerprinted and state and federal records will be checked to determine if the applicant is eligible to possess, receive, own, or purchase firearms under state and federal law. Click here to view all categories that would prohibit a person from possessing firearms and being granted a Concealed Carry Weapon license.
Completing the Application
Pursuant to Penal Code section 26160, each licensing authority, in addition to using the standard application form, is required to publish and make available a written policy summarizing the provisions of Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155. The application on the following pages sets forth standardized questions to be used by the CCW licensing authority to determine whether a CCW license shall be issued. The applicant must certify under penalty of perjury that all answers provided are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief. The applicant must also acknowledge that information disclosed in this application may be subject to the public disclosure.
Answering all the questions on this standard application does not guarantee the issuance of a CCW license. Prior to issuing a CCW license, the licensing authority is required to determine whether the applicant meets all the statutory qualifications under Penal Code section 26202, subdivision (b), the licensing authority is also required to conduct an investigation to determine whether the applicant is a disqualified person and cannot receive or renew a CCW license. That investigation must, at a minimum, include a review of all information provided in this application, an in-person interview with the applicant, interviews with at least three character references, a review of publicly available information about the applicant, a review of information provided by the Department of Justice, and a review of information in the California Restraining and Protective Order System. Interviews of the applicant and character references are mandatory for initial license applications. The licensing authority may elect to require these interviews for renewal license applications. The licensing authority may engage in investigative efforts in addition to these minimum requirements.
Character References
You will need to provide the names and contact information of three persons willing to serve as references. One of the three must be a person described in Penal Code section 273.5, subdivision (b) (your spouse, or former spouse, your cohabitant or former cohabitant, your fiancée, or someone with whom you have, or previously had, an engagement or dating relationship, or the mother or father of your child), if applicable. At least one of the three must be your cohabitant if applicable. You cannot select an Officer with the San Francisco Police Department to use as a reference, unless they are your spouse or cohabitant.
Training Required
If applying for a NEW Concealed Carry Weapon license a course approved by the San Francisco Police Department must be completed prior to license issuance. This course will be a minimum of 16 hours.
If applying for a RENEWAL Concealed Carry Weapon license, an 8-hour course approved by the San Francisco Police Department must be completed prior to license issuance.
Your required training must be completed before being issued your CCW license; but DO NOT TAKE YOUR TRAINING UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICE DEPARTMENT.
Prior to Filling Out This Application
Please allow for a minimum of one (1) hour to complete the online application; partially completed CCW license applications are not able to be saved.
Applicants MUST provide and upload all required information and documents at the time of applying for a license. Acceptable document formats are .IMG, .PNG, .JPG. and .PDF. Word documents cannot be uploaded. The maximum size for each document is limited to 5MB.
Once the application is completed, it may be printed and/or downloaded in PDF format; however, editing a submitted application is not permissible. If you notice any errors or omissions on the application, you will need to contact the San Francisco Police Department to have them corrected.
IMPORTANT: Please keep a record of your Order Number after submitting your application. Your Order Number is needed to check your application status and view messages from the SFPD CCW Unit.
For More Information, Contact:
San Francisco Police Department
Address: 1245 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA 94158
Telephone: 415-575-7145 Email: SFPDccwunit@sfgov.org
For Technical Support, Contact:
Permitium Software
Email: help@permitium.com
Phone: (855) 642-2453